Thursday, March 10, 2011

ALCAT Results

I recently had my DS go to a a Naturopath to try a different approach to helping with his focus in school. We are having to do several diagnostic tests, one of which is the ALCAT (Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test). They take 4 vials of blood and test it on 200 foods plus environmental agents, medications and herbs. Well the results are in and he was reactive to several items that were surprising. Wheat, Oranges, Tomatoes,Cottonseed,Broccoli, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Bay Leaves, Cloves, Coriander,Pork, Pears , Mustard, Turmeric, Romaine Lettuce, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Plum and Pistachio. Whew! I know, your thinking "What can he eat?" The good news is he wasn't gluten intolerant so he can still eat Barley, Rye , Spelt and Oats.
Have you ever seen how many things have wheat in them?
Have you priced wheat free breads lately? $5.00 + a loaf!!
 Soooo, I had to haul the old bread machine out of the garage and don my Betty Crocker hat and get down to baking some bread for this boy!! I will be posting some recipes and results to my experiments with my new wheat free cooking. So stay tuned. Till next we meet-happy baking!